Holistic health

Every part of the human body works in harmony
for complete and effective health.

It’s all connected

If one part is not operating effectively, the whole body struggles.
This can cause a chain reaction.

Proactive Healthcare

Working together, we can catch
and correct issues early on.
We help keep the network running
smoothly, so you can live your best life.

Your Touchstone for Total Health

Complementary Health Care

The human body is a complex system of interrelated parts. Every part works in harmony for complete and effective health. If one part is damaged or not operating effectively, this can cause a chain reaction of symptoms throughout the body, as it struggles to overcompensate for the system breakdown. Catching and correcting issues early on, keeps the network running smoothly.



Osteopathy focuses on the holistic health and functioning of every system within the human body; the skin, muscles & joints, circulatory system, and bones.

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy enhances the function of muscles and joints. It improves the body’s circulation system. It also relieves pain and stress.

Bioflex Laser Therapy®

Bioflex Laser Therapy®

Laser Therapy is highly effective in the treatment of bones and muscles, arthritis, sports injuries, healing wounds, and a wide range of skin-related conditions.

Our Experienced Team

Osteopathic Manual Practitioner
Registered Massage Therapist
Professional Laser Therapist

Anne Marie MacDonald


Anne Marie is multidisciplinary, using a variety of skills to help with reducing pain & inflammation, increasing mobility, and providing symptom relief.

Registered Massage Therapist

Maryann Chisholm


Maryann determines what treatment protocol is best suited for the needs of each client. She provides education regarding postural imbalances, homecare, and body awareness.

A Health Network

Just as the body is a network of processes, it needs a network of professionals to help maintain it. We are here to help. Together, we can develop a holistic plan that will keep you at the top of your game, ensuring health, longevity and wellbeing for years to come. Our services compliment those of your family physician; if there’s something we can’t do for you in-house; we can direct you through our network of qualified referrals. Together we can build a clear plan of action for total health.

Halifax Complimentary Health Centre

Client testimonials

Two years ago, I began to experience severe headaches and dizziness. Medical test results showed no cause or reason for these episodes. I was fortunate enough to have a Health Care practitioner who made me aware of laser therapy and the possible benefits. I was anxious to try anything to help with the “Ice-Pick” headaches. I hadn’t realized how debilitating they had become – I wasn’t even able to bend over to tie my shoes without intense pain. I started treatments in June, 2020 and by the third treatment I was noticing improvement. Within one month the symptoms were gone. Not only am I headache free, but my life is much better without the anxiety and anticipation of pain. I continued the treatments throughout the summer and the headaches and dizziness have never returned. I am thankful to Anne Marie at the Halifax Complementary Health Centre. I hope that others suffering with chronic pain are helped as I was.


Anne Marie has been my therapist for 10 years. I have been experiencing chronic back pain for as many years and her treatments have been critical in providing me with relief. I had difficulty keeping my spine aligned which aggravated my condition, but I was not comfortable undergoing chiropractic treatments. Anne Marie has been able to mobilize my back using very gentle, effective osteopathic methods providing instant relief. Anne Marie offers laser therapy treatment which has also been so effective for me that I finally have my life back. I highly recommend Anne Marie and her multifaceted treatment approach.


I’ve suffered severe sciatic nerve pain and numbness down my right leg every day of my life. I’ve tried physiotherapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga; everything, and nothing was working. I finally told my Medical Doctor I needed to see a specialist for this pain. I couldn’t take any more. My Doctor sent me to a pain management clinic, referred me for a CT scan of my spine and made an appointment for me to see a surgeon. The surgeon showed me the results of the CT scan; a bony spur was touching my sciatic nerve. This was the source of my numbness and pain. The Surgeon scheduled me for a nerve block but couldn’t guarantee it would work. It was a chance I had to take. The appointment time was a 6 month waiting period.
In the meantime, I heard about Anne Marie MacDonald. I scheduled an appointment with her. I knew the from the first time she treated me how much better I felt. After three months I was pain free. It was truly a miracle. I never did have the procedure for the nerve block. It’s two years later and I am still totally pain free. My words can’t express the profound healing I have experienced with Anne Marie and I would totally recommend her to everybody. She is truly amazing because when no one else could help me, she was my Miracle to being pain free from sciatica symptoms.
